Perception of nurses in wound therapy: Treatment and coverage


  • Aliny Barbosa
  • Rosa Alice de Fátima Franzolim
  • Pedro Gonçalves de Oliveira
  • João Cezar Castilho



Wound Healing, Wounds and Injuries, Nurses


The objective of this study was to evaluate nurses' knowledge about wound care in health institutions located in Campinas and neighboring regions. The nurse acts directly in choosing the ideal techniques and dressings that will be used to promote an environment that enables rapid tissue repair. The applied methodology included a literature review of wounds and field research through interviews assisted by the application of a questionnaire with open and closed questions about the evaluation and management of wounds. After collecting and analyzing the data, they were confronted with the information available in the literature and researches related to wound treatment. The results allow inferring that nurses made their choices based on technical-scientific knowledge and on the etiology of wounds. In addition, it is possible to state that the knowledge of the interviewed nurses proved to have great relevance both for the management of injuries and for the promotion of suitable care.

Author Biographies

Aliny Barbosa

Enfermeira. Especialista em Enfermagem Dermatológica, Laserterapeuta. Especialista em Saúde do Idoso. Especialista em Saúde Pública e Vigilância Sanitária. Docente em cursos de habilitação técnica e graduação.

Rosa Alice de Fátima Franzolim

Enfermeira. Especialista. Professora do Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna.

Pedro Gonçalves de Oliveira

Farmacêutico. Doutor em Fármacos e Medicamentos – FCF-USP. Especialista em Gestão e Economia em Saúde – CPES-UNIFESP. Especialista em Cuidados Paliativos e Tratamento da Dor – PUC Minas.

João Cezar Castilho

Farmacêutico. Mestre em Farmacologia pela UFPR. Especialista em Farmácia Estética. Professor dos cursos de Farmácia do Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna, de Pós-Graduação em Biomedicina e Farmácia Estética na USCS e de Fisioterapia Dermatofuncional e Estética na FHO-Uniararas





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